Sunday 23 October 2011

Marco Simoncelli

Sad day for Motogp... Marco Simoncelli passed away this morning at the Sepang race. On the second lap of the race he lost  the control of his motorbike and fell, unfortunately, C.Edward run over him. Valentino Rossi was also involved in the crash but, luckily, was able to avoid crashing against Simocelli.

Ever since they decided to change the engine from 500cc to 800cc there have been numerous accidents and many racing drivers had several injuries (Rossi, Lorenzo, Pedrosa, Edwards...) so this makes me wonder... is this safety?

Saturday 22 October 2011


Hello everyone! Today Im writting to promote the Roehampton Volleyball Club. Its a new team this year so we would like you to know about our existence. If you would like to give it a try or know someone who would, come and join us. We meet every wednesday at Davies Hall. Beginners from 4 to 5.30 pm and advance from 5.30 to 7. If you dont know your level come to the beginner sesion and check it. xx

Tuesday 18 October 2011


After a few days without updating my blog (im really sorry, i have been ill) i think its time to introduce myself. Hello everyone, I'm Eva, unfortunatly 20. Things you should know about me... mm.... I love love love love motorbikes and Valentino Rossi. I enjoy reading, even tough i dont read to much (at the moment "Everyone worth knowing" by L.Weisberger), listening to music, and watching Ben Affleck's films. Apart from that, im an outgoing person who loves travelling, learning from different cultures and sleeping. Basically, I came to Roehampton beacause I didn't have much more other options to chose, but know that I'm here, I'm happy. I have met lots of new people from all aroung the globe, and this university is giving the oportunity to study the modules I like. Italian, for instance, is one of my favourites. I have always wanted to go to Italy, to Sicilia to be precise. So if you are wondering about what I will be writting next, easy, probably about something I have already mentioned above... a motogp race? a Ben Affleck film? favourite music bands? we'll see!

Valentino Rossi's Ducatti motorbike. 

Friday 7 October 2011


Hello, I'm Eva from Spain. The most tipical food in my country is the spanish omelete. Here is the recipe.